Re: Användande av öknamn (var: Re: [selinux-aktiva] Myndigheters websidor borde fungera i Mozilla/Firefox)
Jeremiah Foster
jeremiah.foster at
Mon Aug 29 13:09:16 CEST 2005
On Aug 28, 2005, at 1:41 PM, Cristian Ionescu-Idbohrn wrote:
> On Sun, 28 Aug 2005, Alexander Nordström wrote:
>> Jag har svårt att se hur formuleringen "jag skulle gärna se", som
>> Jonas
>> skrev, kan tolkas som en begränsning av diskussionsfriheten.
> Aha... Det var bara en rekommendation.
> Jag måste erkänna att jag blev lite rädd ett tag där.
>> Jag ser det som ett påpekande; en rekommendation--inte ett förbud.
> Då är saken klar. Nu kan vi gå vidare.
But this is exactly the type of subtle self-censorship that allows true
freedom of speech to be suppressed. Now that somone carefully spoke the
unspoken rules, he can continue the conversation along the path allowed
by the community of this list. This is self-censorship. The danger is
that ideas and insights will now be repressed and the community will
suffer because they cannot understand the world as it is.
Nicknames are names and like every other form of speech they carry
conotations, both good and bad, that is what makes the language richer.
When the communtiy gently steers its members from their chosen
expression, they are chosing the truth they want to see.
Unfortunately the world is not that way. Science shows us things about
ourselves that are true and unpleasant, things perhaps we would like to
surpress. Look at the ridiculous debate in the US over Intelligent
Design. It shows how manipulating the parameters of the debate changes
the debate itself.
Linux is one of the most important open social constructs of our time.
Let us not hinder how it can express itself.
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