[diskussion] [vuorio@kth.se: [slug] [Fwd: Big decision in SCO vs
Jens Odsvall
jens at linuxstore.se
Sat Aug 11 07:12:08 CEST 2007
----- Forwarded message from David Vuorio <vuorio at kth.se> -----
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Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 00:54:18 +0200
From: David Vuorio <vuorio at kth.se>
User-Agent: Icedove (X11/20070607)
To: slug at stockholm.lug.se
Subject: [slug] [Fwd: Big decision in SCO vs Novell]
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Big decision in SCO vs Novell
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2007 00:20:37 +0200
From: Erwan HAMON <hamon.erwan at free.fr>
To: bxl at ffii.org
I know this is not patent related. Still, Judge Kimball has ruled on
Summary Judgment motions in SCO vs Novell.
- SCO does not own the UNIX Copyrights.
- Some of the license money that M$ and SUN paid SCO in 2003 belonged to
- Novell had the right to waive any claim made by SCO against IBM.
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Fick det här mailet, från SLUGs lista och skickar vidare hit.
Reinstalling the whole system because of a bug like
this is a bad idea.
The chance that it will actually help is a tiny
something above zero.
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