[diskussion] Microsoft köpte SIS för att rösta igenom OOXML i Sverige

Jens Odsvall jens at linuxstore.se
Mon Sep 10 11:15:23 CEST 2007

On Mon, Aug 27, 2007 at 02:14:54PM +0200, "Anders S. Lindbäck" wrote:
> Läs mera om det här:
> http://stupid.domain.name/node/382
> -- 
> Anders Lindbäck
> EPO guidelines 1978: "If the contribution to the known art resides
> solely in a computer program then the subject matter is not
> patentable in whatever manner it may be presented in the claims."
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---end quoted text---


SE: Standardisation institute: 'Microsoft's OOXML email unacceptable'

Open Source News - 30 August 2007 - Sweden - Policies and Announcements

"The Swedish standardisation institute SIS said Microsoft's email urging partner companies to register at the 
OOXML committee and vote in favour of it, is unacceptable."

"SIS spokesperson Erika Messing, contacted by phone on Wednesday afternoon: 
"We have just read the news reports. If this is true it is unacceptable.""

"On Thursday morning she added SIS has not yet decided what to do. 
"It is a most unusual case that about twenty organisations sign up at the day of the vote. 
Microsoft has confirmed in Swedish media that an employee has sent emails which implicates some kind of 'payback' 
if their partners turned up at SIS to vote. 
Microsoft also states that these emails were not approved by the management. 
This information is new to us and we are in the midst of analysing this situation.""

Hittade detta på angiven URL. Det står i viss kontradiktion, till vad SiS senare sade.

Reinstalling the whole system because of a bug like
this is a bad idea.
The chance that it will actually help is a tiny
something above zero.
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