[diskussion] Microsoft sues TomTom over FAT patents

Jens Odsvall jens.odsvall at bonetmail.com
Ons Apr 1 14:30:15 CEST 2009

On Tue, Mar 03, 2009 at 05:33:46PM +0100, Jens Odsvall wrote:
> Från Harald Weltes blogg:
> <http://laforge.gnumonks.org/weblog/2009/02/27#20090227-microsoft_patent_lawsuit>
> "Finally, it has happened in a public manner: Microsoft sues TomTom over patent
> violations in the Linux kernel [V]FAT implementation.  Sooner or later something like this was bound to happen."
---end quoted text---
TomTom kommer överens med Microsoft:


"So well, MS will still uphold their implicit threat against anyone who
uses Linux + VFAT filesystem in a commercial product.
In the end, I hope, this will simply drive people away from using FAT or VFAT altogether.
It's not that they are particularly great filesystems anyway... and vendors just want to make it 
convenient for _windows_ users to use their products by enabling them with VFAT.

Vänligen/Jens O.
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