[diskussion] Microsoft sues TomTom over FAT patents

Jeremiah Foster jeremiah at jeremiahfoster.com
Mon Mars 16 13:38:22 CET 2009

On Mar 16, 2009, at 1:33 PM, Daniel Stenberg wrote:

>  Personally I wonder how mr Allison can now about
> how all companies have done...

I agree, there is reason to be skeptical. However, Allison was privy  
to information that was most likely secret during the EU judicial  
action against Microsoft and has seen things that we have not. He also  
implements the main way to access disks using the Microsoft protocols,  
so he certainly reads a lot of code and bug reports from companies  
that have signed agreements with Microsoft. I think he may in an  
excellent position to know who is violating the GPL.


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