[lugg] (utan titel)

Jeremiah Foster jeremiah.foster at gmail.com
Fre Apr 13 18:27:15 CEST 2007

>  I'm still learning. I read a book about swedish grammar at
> > public library but didn't finished it yet. Is there someone who wants
> > to help me in this topic? ;-)

If you are going to stay here for any extended period of time I recommend
called SFI: Svensk för invandrare or Swedish for immigrants. It is provided
for free by
the kommun but often requires registration in advance. The University offers
courses as well.

> > My name is Thomas. I prefer the short form Tom. I was born in Germany
> > in 1976 and I'm more then ten years a Linux user.
> > I emigrated to Sweden (Göteborg) end of March. Now I'm looking for a
> > job as Unix/Linux system administrator. O.K. I'm looking for more then
> > a job, appartment and so on but the job is the most important thing at
> > the moment because without a job I'm not allowed to stay longer then
> > three months in Sweden :-(. Maybe you can help me. Do you know some
> > firms in Göteborg working with Unix/Linux operated systems? It would
> > be a plaesure if you could point me the right way :-).

I run a database of companies that use / develop / integrate FLOSS in
Scandinavia, it lists a fair amount of companies in Gothenburg since I live
there too. You can find it here: http://devmodul.com/scanfree/ It is a work
in progress so if you see a company not on the list let me know. Right now
it is just a dump of the databse but I am going to make it searchable, by
country, certification, etc. but I have not had time to fully develop it.

Any other LUGG members who want to include companies, organizations, or even
individuals in FLOSS in Scandinavia let me know and I will include it.

Not much I can do there, unfortunately. If I knew of a place that
> had an opening I would be trying to get it for myself :P

The job market is improving and everyone says linux and GPL software will
become more popular in Sweden but it is happening slowly. If you want a
linux job unfortunately most of them are in Stockholm, Gothenburg just does
not have a large development community outside of the telecom and automotive
sector, but those two sectors are quite large. They prefer embedded linux
and you would be most likely developing with compiled languages like C. Even
there though the jobs are competitive and it helps greatly if you at least
speak Swedish even if many companies corporate language is English.

> BTW: The right way - Unfortunatelly I havn't yet my computer here. Are
> > there any kind of public internet access with Linux operated machines,
> > maybe with Latex and a non IE browser installed? I use the computer at
> > the public library at the moment. Not really comfortable but working
> > ;-). And the internet cafes suggested by the tourist information are
> > all game cafes with Windows OS. :-(
> I don't know of a place like that.

Nor do I - perhaps we should start one?

As for buying a linux computer there actually is a company that sells
laptops with ubuntu pre-installed in Gothenburg, it sales are mainly online
however, I think they are in my ScanFree list.

Good luck to you Tom and know that you speaking to many of the active LUGG
members when you are on this list or on IRC, in fact I think Anders (tpc)
started LUGG. It goes through periods of activity followed by inactivity and
right now it seems to be going through a more active period.

Best regards and let us know how it goes for you,

Jeremiah Foster
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