[webb] Bloggen

Henrik Nordström henrik at henriknordstrom.net
Sat Sep 22 00:36:15 CEST 2012


fre 2012-09-21 klockan 14:29 -0700 skrev Arne Exton:
> Hej!
> Såvitt jag kan se (120921) har bloggen försvunnit. Visserligen var det
> bara jag som använde mig av tjänsten, men ändå...
> Mvh
> Arne Exton
> ExTiX 10 » version 120701 with Gnome 3.4.1, Gnome Shell, Razor-qt and
> kernel 3.5.0-2-exton
> SlackEX » version 120510 based on Slackware 13.37 with Xfce 4.10 and
> Razor-qt
> Exton-Slack current » version 120514 is a remaster of Slackware 13.37.
> KDE 4.8 is used as Desktop environment
> Exton|Defender Super Rescue System » version 120529 with Xfce 4.10 and
> kernel 3.3.7-exton
> ExLight Live CD » version 120808 based on Ubuntu 12.04 with
> Enlightenment 17 and kernel 3.5.0-8-exton
> EXTON MultiBootCD 9-OS » version 111006 with nine (9) different mini
> Linux Systems
> CruxEX » version 120502 based on Crux 2.7.1 with Xfce 4.10 and kernel
> 3.3.4-exton
> ArchEX Xfce4 Linux Live CD » version 120801 based on Arch Linux with
> kernel 3.4.7-1-ARCH and Xfce 4.10
> exGENT Linux Live CD version » 120814 based on Gentoo with Fluxbox and
> kernel 3.0.4-exton and kernel 3.3.8-gentoo
> MeX 12.04 64bit Linux Live DVD » version 120722 based on Ubuntu 12.04
> with KDE 4.8.4, Unity 5.8, Cinnamon 1.4, Gnome 3.4.1, Gnome Classic,
> Xfce 4.10, XBMC 11 and Fluxbox 1.3.2
> PuppEX 2012 Live CD » version 120826 based on Puppy Linux Slacko
> with "my" extra kernel 3.5.2-exton
> EXTON OpSuS 12.2 LXDE Linux live USB » version 120921 based on
> openSUSE 12.2 with the LXDE Desktop environment.

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