[diskussion] FW: [SFD-announce] Registrations for SFD goodies closed

Jens Hjalmarsson jens at se.linux.org
Tis Juli 31 13:26:54 CEST 2007


För kännedom för de som önskar registrera ett team för Software Freedom Day.
Tyvärr får man inte längre gratispaket med tshirtar med mera, och vill man
köpa tshirtar till händelsen så måste man göra det inom två dagar. De kostar
$15. Läs mer nedan.

Vill ni ha de limegröna SFD-tshirtarna, skynda på alltså. Men observera att
det inte är SeLinux som håller i tshirtbiten.

Jens Hjalmarsson
Svenska Linuxföreningen

-----Original Message-----
From: sfd-announce-bounces at sf-day.org
[mailto:sfd-announce-bounces at sf-day.org] On Behalf Of Robert Schumann
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2007 1:14 PM
To: sfd-announce at sf-day.org
Subject: [SFD-announce] Registrations for SFD goodies closed

Hi all,

We have had an unprecendented response from new SFD teams all around the
world this year. Almost double the number of teams have registered in time
to receive the free team goodies including shirts, stickers and CDs, and
unfortunately we have already hit our capacity. We announced earlier that
the first 200 registrations up until the 31st July would be getting the team
goodies, and we have now hit that limit so unhappily no new registrations
will be receiving the SFD goodies pack. 

Teams are absolutely still welcome to be counted as part of the official
global celebrations, however as of now, no new teams will be receiving
goods. Teams are able to purchase shirts from the SFD online store for only
two more days at: 


for $15 per shirt. All proceeds go towards supporting teams around the

Thank you all for your enthusiasm and for taking Software Freedom to your
communities and countries! It is a truly global event and one that will
hopefully help all people discover Software Freedom.


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