[diskussion] [Fwd: SV: Chinese visit]

Roger Sinel rsinel at bredband.net
Sat Aug 29 20:46:23 CEST 2009

Jeramiah, It sounds like you have something more to say about our
förening. Please elaborate. 

Regarding our memberships numbers they are quite good considering the
size of the FOSS community in Sweden, and considering all the other
options people have to get involved in FOSS communities.

Or maybe your implying "no one" as to type of or skill level of our
members. Your most welcome to clarify this comment Jeramiah. So that we
understand exactly what you meant.

Our priorities are clearly stated here, http://se.linux.org/om/stadgar

Here is a rough translation
1, work to increase interest and knowledge regarding FOSS
2, increase social contact between and exchange experiences.
3, work to increase knowledge of FOSS amongst the non FOSS community

People contacted us from KTH about this chinese visit, and we pass on
the information to our members for any of them to take up the offer. In
what way have we misplaced our priorities?


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Jeremiah Foster <jeremiah at jeremiahfoster.com>
Reply-to: Svenska Linuxföreningens diskussionslista
<diskussion at lists.se.linux.org>
Till: Svenska Linuxföreningens diskussionslista
<diskussion at lists.se.linux.org>
Ämne: Re: [diskussion] [Fwd: SV: Chinese visit]
Datum: Sat, 29 Aug 2009 18:35:48 +0200

What about democracy, human rights, and freedom of worship?

What good is all this technical knowledge if they criticize the  
government, get put in prison for political dissent, are murdered by  
the State and their organs sold to Westerners?

Give me a break. Free Software and software engineering practices are  
worthless without real freedom - tell them to start there first.

No wonder no one is part of this föreningen, you people have misplaced  
your priorities.


On Aug 29, 2009, at 17:54, Anders Lindbäck wrote:

> Någon som tror de kan hjälpa till och ge information om följande
> en delegation från China är intresserade och fha ett möte med
> Svenska Linuxföreningen och snacka om lite områden:
> -------- Ursprungligt meddelande --------
> This delegation is not a trade delegation. Like you they are also  
> users
> in China and they would like to take contact with user in Sweden to
> exchange experiences. They are interested in the following. Do you  
> think
> that you could give them some information about the following? They  
> are
> coming during Oct to Dec. 2009.
> - Embedded Linux system development processes and the overall project
> development methods;
> - Linux operating system;
> - embedded software engineering and technical norms;
> - ARM embedded technology base;
> - DSP applications training;
> - standardization of knowledge;
> - under the business model of outsourcing companies and management
> organizations;
> - Nordic embedded software market, such as the status quo and
> development trend of the content area.
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