[lugg] (utan titel)

Michael Olberg michael.olberg at chalmers.se
Mon Apr 16 09:06:43 CEST 2007

Lugg was started in the mid-90s after a call for participation I sent out on the 
  comp.os.linux.announce news group (anybody remembers news?). Kernel version 
was at 1.2 and a 486 was a decent computer to own :-). We had fairly regular 
meetings at Chalmers. Ups and downs in levels of activity were mainly related to 
the availability of locations to meet. But even then LUGG was basically a 
mailing list with lots of members from outside of Göteborg.

At one point my computer at work was stolen and with it a database with the 
addresses of the mailing list. :-(

I should really start and use IRC myself, too. I have been to one or two 
barbecues we had in slottskogen on occasion. The problem is I am not living in 
Gbg but in Kungsbacka so it's always an extra effort to come to a meeting.

I am from Germany myself, Tom, so feel free to contact me offline and in German 
if you feel like it.

herzlich willkommen,

Andreas Eriksson wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 12:27:15PM -0400, Jeremiah Foster wrote:
>> Nor do I - perhaps we should start one?
> I would want to get in on that too ;)
>> Good luck to you Tom and know that you speaking to many of the active LUGG
>> members when you are on this list or on IRC, in fact I think Anders (tpc)
>> started LUGG. It goes through periods of activity followed by inactivity and
>> right now it seems to be going through a more active period.
> I'm TPC, and I didn't start LUGG. I wasn't even here from the start.
> And my name is Andreas, not Anders :P
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> lugg at lists.se.linux.org
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