Tom from Germany (was: [lugg] (utan titel))

Thomas Endter tom-lug.goteborg at
Sön Apr 22 16:39:19 CEST 2007

Michael Olberg wrote:
Hej Michael.

> Lugg was started in the mid-90s...
Thanks for these words. They could be good stuff for the homepages
history section ;-).
I hadn't thought that lugg is such an "old" thing.

>   comp.os.linux.announce news group (anybody remembers news?).
Not only "remembers". I still use them quite often! I think news are
the best way to solve computer problems. It was really seldom I didn't
find an answer there.

> The problem is I am not living in
> Gbg but in Kungsbacka so it's always an extra effort to come to a
> meeting.
Maybe there are other guys from Kungsbacka too? So you could share a car?

> I am from Germany myself, Tom, so feel free to contact me offline and
> in German if you feel like it.
That's great. I'll do that. Thanks a lot.

So long,
the Tom

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