[lugg] Tom from Germany

Thomas Endter tom-lug.goteborg at racbu.de
Tors Apr 19 13:30:01 CEST 2007

Andreas Eriksson wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 05:02:55PM +0200, Thomas Endter wrote:
>> I read in many appartment postings that they have "internet access"
>> inclusive. Does this mean I connect my computer, get an IP address
>> per
>> DHCP and everything is working? Or does I still need an - lets say
>> Telia - account, too?
> It could mean many things. It could just mean that the area is has
> a cable connection, and you need to get a account with the cable
> ISP. It could also mean that the whole building is sharing a fiber, in
> which case it could work just like you describe.
Good to know. Tack.


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